Crap Game of the Day #43: Tiger Electronics Handheld Games

Now we are getting into some serious crap. Tiger Handheld Games were released throughout the mid 80's and 90's. They pretty much played like a Game & Watch handheld but based off of other licensed properties like other video games and tv shows. Some of your probably have used one of these before. If you remember back in 2004, McDonalds had these little handheld DigiSportz toys that acted the same way. A drawn in background with flashing images posted over it to simulate movement. Handheld gaming wouldn't really be popularized until the Game Boy came out in 1989. But before then, these were the go-to for handheld games. They were pretty cheap ad only took 2 AA batteries to use, and each one was its own game. Compare it to the Game Boy which costs more, takes 4 AA batteries and you have to buy games for it, but the games were like actual games that you would see on a NES. Most kids probably didn't mind at the time because they were everywhere and there really wasn't any other cheap options. Even after the Game Boy came out, these things were still being pumped out. The games themselves are pretty terrible representations of what you would see on a NES or Genesis. Examples: The Mega Man one has Mega Man using a gun instead of his arm cannon. Simon's Quest has you standing in one spot just hit random things that fly by. The button layouts for some of them were pretty weird. Some were pretty simple, left and right buttons and one big button to jump. Some of them have one button with two actions mapped to it. The Street Fighter one has a button that has a left and right kick functionality. Probably because the hardware is so dated that they couldn't program turning around. There wasn't a backlight feature, but the Game Boy had that same issue. It's worse on the Tiger Games though because the screens could easily get scratched and the glare can make them impossible to see. They also don't age well so playing them in the future might not work out well. Buttons could get stuck or the damn thing could just break because they feel so cheap. I didn't even mention the sound that comes through these things. If your ears could bleed, they would. Tiger can't hurt us anymore since they went out of business in 2012. Kind of sad... but whatever.

Here are some Tiger Games (Your ears might bleed)
Sonic 1Altered BeastX-MenDouble Dragon

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Ever used a Tiger Handheld Game?
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Yes: 23
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