Random Item #10 - Upgrade to Premium Gift

Today's item is the Upgrade to Premium Gift, which allows you to either upgrade a friend's account or your own to premium status, granting you extra backpack slots, access to premium crafting recipes and expanded drop list, ability to trade results of crafting and item drops, as well as the ability to chat and use voice chat if the user is already a steam unlimited user (I think, idk tbh I might be wrong about that last bit so don't quote me on that). If you gift this to a friend, you will recieve the professor's speks. A nice all-class glasses cosmetic, although overshadowed by the graybanns if you ask me.

[url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/768760572819931140/833616445224255498/unknown.png?width=233&;height=448]You can't really make a loadout with this item as it isn't a cosmetic, but I guess you can get the professor speks and mann co cap from it so here they are together [/url]
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