Team Fortress 2: Survivors - Episode 1

In the prologue, for your protagonist you chose The Soldier. Let's begin, shall we?

It's been a month since everyone got that dreaded notification; the respawn servers have been shut down. You were busy pubstomping on a 2Fort community server, and a good thing too - Valve servers were instantly erased from existence. You were deep within the sewers, having just given a spy a new chest cavity. It took a few minutes for the chaos to die down around the server. After the remaining players, including yourself, met up on the bridge and a head count was performed. A medic, you, 6 snipers ( each with their own gibus and pyrovision goggles ), a scout, and two engineers had survived. Everyone agreed: they must live in peace. And so you did, even setting up a little patriotic man-cave in a former spawn room, with a little radio playing various army marches and American songs - none of that hippie crap by Justin Bieber, mind you - and a large US flag was nailed to the wall. You even managed to scrounge up a couple weapons and ammunition crates and toss them in a nearby locker - resupply lockers had become otherwise useless soon after the respawn servers were removed. Mann Co. couldn't afford to supply them. However, a week into 'the Incident', as you have taken to calling it, the snipers formed an enclave inside the BLU intel room, but not before taking nearly all the medicine and ammo that hadn't already been claimed. You rarely left your man-cave, but occasionally the medic came by to ask if you needed healing and to give you the news around the server. Recently, he's also been coming in with flyers, listing off servers that were going to be removed. Luckily, your server hadn't been shut down yet.

And so it went, with you listening to your American jingles and talking to the medic when he stopped by, and with the snipers doing who-knows-what in the intel room, and with the others doing whatever they were doing.

Yesterday, the snipers emerged from the staircase, demanding everyone on the map to hand over any ammunition or weapons they had. The medic hurried into your home, begging to be hidden. "They are killing those who don't give them what they want!" He cries. "They killed the scout after he said he didn't have any more ammo, and confiscated the engineer's sentries and dispensers! They'll come for me next, Soldier! You must hide me!" After making the medic promise not to touch your American baseball cards or your guns, you offered him a place to stay. 

Last night, a lone sniper found your home, kicked open the door, and demanded you hand over the medic and your weapons.

Good news, there's only 5 snipers left. Bad news, they want revenge for their pal. This morning, the medic had peeped his head out to see the engineers had set up anywhere close, or to see if the snipers were heading over. Instead, he found a flyer.

"ATTENTION! THESE SERVERS WILL BE SHUT DOWN AT 12 PM EST: CTF_2FORT, PL_HOODOO AND..." Your eyes widen as you skip a few lines. Could there be salvation? "...FOR ANY SURVIVORS STILL REMAINING ON ANY OF THESE SERVERS, THERE WILL BE A EVACUATION VEHICLE ENTERING THE POPULATED SERVERS." You figure the vehicle will be a boat, coming in under the bridge. You glance at a clock - twenty minutes to get to the boat - but, most likely, they'll be waiting for you. After grabbing some of your belongings, you think about th
How should the Soldier get to the boat?
bruh momento numero uno
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