:perfect_beach:Scrap Summer Spree Day #16 with Pancakeu-senpai:perfect_beach:

Hey there!

Welcome to another episode of "Random rafflers visiting random places around the world and giving you vague hints about these places and you're going to have to guess the place if you want to have a chance at winning a prize at the end!"

...we're still working on the title.

Oh wait, you have no idea what’s going on? I have an explanation raffle riiiiight here: https://scrap.tf/raffles/R9C312

Today we’re visiting my country! A beautiful country, if I do say so myself. I’m here with Freak4ever2000 and Jason Le! Give them a round of applause!

Hey, between you and me, I’ll do you a favour. Instead of these stupid “vague” hints, I’ll give you really easy hints. Like, the name of a famous landmark, the name of the music festival you'll see in the picture later and something you see a lot around here. You’ll be able to guess this country in no time! Just, don’t tell anyone else from the event, aight? They’ll probably throw me in the ocean if they find out I've been making stuff too easy for you guys. Without snorkelling equipment. Yikes.

Anyway! We’re visiting this huuuuge music festival! Here's a picture!

I can definitely confirm that this loud music is destroying my ears! I tried shielding my ears with my hands, but this defence isn’t contributing anything at all. Yeah, my ears are pretty much defeated, congratulations me. Well, uh, I guess that deftly concludes the first hint I was supposed to give. And now, the moment you've been waiting for! The name of this festival iiiiiiiiis:
gimme a sec
I forgot the name. Sorry.

Aight, I'll make up for that with my next hint! A famous landmarrrrrk! Yeah, believe it or not, but there’s much more to do over here except for some loud music festival! Now, listen up, with both your ears! There’s a famous museum here too, named after a famous painter! I kiiiiiiiinda forgot his name. So, uh. Sorry again, I guess. I should probably write stuff down next time.

Aight, next hint, something you see a lot around here. I didn’t know about this one myself, but apparently, we have a lot of giants over here! Like, these huge people! I’ve never seen one myself, but some crazy Spanish knight told me. I uh, forgot his name as well. He got smacked by one of their huge arms apparently. Luckily I’m armed! With a dagger, that is. Good enough, I suppose.

Anyway, here you go! Three hints! I’m sure a smart and talented person like you will be able to guess the country. I’m sorry I forgot every crucial part of the hint I promised to give you. What? No, I'm not bad at remembering stuff! I uh, didn’t get enough sleep last night? Yeah, definitely that!

I guess it’s better this way, at least I won’t be fish food.

Did you miss the raffle from yesterday? Well, luckily for you, I have the previous day riiiiiight here: https://scrap.tf/raffles/0YIO1R
Loud, annoying, and not very bright.
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