Today in history - June 17th

June 17th, 653: Pope Martin I is arrested and taken to Constantinople, due to his opposition to monothelitism.

Monothelitism was a theological doctrine that argued Jesus Christ only possessed one will - a divine one. This contradicted the established belief in Christ having both a divine and human nature, and therefore two wills.

Pope Martin I, a staunch defender of Catholic orthodoxy, vehemently opposed Monothelitism. He saw it as a dangerous dilution of Christ's nature.

The Byzantine Emperor at the time, Constans II, supported Monothelitism. He issued the "Typos of Constans" in 649, a document promoting the Monothelite view.

In response to the Typos, Pope Martin I convened the Lateran Council in 649. This council condemned Monothelitism and the emperor's decree. Enraged by the council's decision, Constans II ordered Pope Martin's arrest.

On June 17th, 653, imperial forces arrived in Rome and apprehended Pope Martin I in the Lateran Palace. He wasn't alone - theologian Maximus the Confessor was also arrested alongside him.

Pope Martin I was transported to Constantinople, facing a long and harsh imprisonment. He refused to recant his opposition to Monothelitism.

Eventually, the emperor banished him to the remote Black Sea town of Chersonesos (present-day Crimea). Pope Martin I died in exile in 655, a martyr for his beliefs.
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