TF2 Creature Collecting: Day 157 - A Bit Of Kindness

So, one of my friends in my main friend group started playing TF2 on their cruddy ish laptop the other day and I decided since - if I heard them correctly last night - that they wanted a sword for Demoman.

I just so happened to be seeing what nonsense was going on in terms of auctions on here and I ended up using a key and 2 ref to get them a Strange Specialized Killstreak Persian Persuader (I feel bad for the person that was the previous top bidder before I swooped in and grabbed it). I also gave that friend a heavy cosmetic that as much as I want to like it and use it, I've never bothered using.

No creatures were collected today but I do feel good for giving my friend some neat fictional items

Creatures Collected Today:
+1 Dose of Kindness
Local Creature Collector
Raffle #
423 / 100,000
Time Left:
One Winner
Tips on this raffle:
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This raffle ended on 1714252682.
It was started on 1714166282
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