The music of television

Not to be confused with music television.

I'm not much of a TV viewer anymore, preferring more the on-demand nature of the internet, but sometimes I think back to when I did watch a fair amount of TV and various memories start flooding my mind, leading to some YouTube searching.

Usually various old recordings that have been uploaded unedited so there may be a channel ident or something in there every now and then, or they might be channel-specific recordings (like SMS chats). The thing that I've noticed is that some of them had really nice music. Unfortunately, it's often difficult to find uninterrupted and complete forms of those tracks, especially without some sort of audio issues due to old recordings.

If TV channels released soundtracks with their music over the years, I would buy the shit out of that immediately.

Here are examples: MTV3 (only source I could find) | SubTV

It's definitely in part nostalgia, but I do really like this music. It's such a shame most of this is only available in random YouTube videos.
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