The story of the lonely "ScrapTrap"

Left and right,the trades go by,and each bot for a job they applied..."Full of scrap" the smaller one,trades weapons for all,nothing more! No stranges,no uniques,just simple weapons all of us had. He's got all of them and he always wants more,everybody loves him a lot",Scrapta Clause" is there too,but only to donators he listens to. But the hats,the best of them all,Royal scrappy as what you ask,the others are there too,ready to help but "Soulbot" and "Penultiscrap" not so much,they are the laziest of them all,but for unusual hats, Scrapprehensive you must ask!
Many bots has! but one stands between them all...ScrapTrap his name was,he works at the incinerator,of all tasks,where he waits for stuff,but not a lot comes in those parts,he's not in the main page like the others, he waits alone and ponders: "Why of all bots i had this fate?  empty and forgotten! i only get crates and useless stuff,i wish a better propouse i had..." But one day a great user passed by,and the raffle system he saw in his eyes,only luck made you win so he passed,and the puzzle systems he kinda liked,but he was not that bright,so as he checked,he scrolls on the section "more". "Incinerator" he reads,and with a click he seeks,and sees what the bot has 0 items in him, with only single description "salvage items the others gave up"."So this is where unwanted items are going to be?" he said to himself as he stares at the PC,"Nobody checks here i suppose,maybe a little treasure i can leave,so when they found it in joy they will be!" As the bot is almost cried itself sleep,a request for trading begin! he expected boxes and other junk,but it was an hat! It wasn't a craft or a piece of crap,it was a original and cool hat! "5 refined" the price was! After 2 days a new user comes by,he checks the "more" section and what an amazing find! The bot trades the hat with no issue,and look at that,some recognition! The other bots didn't believe the news,but that was the truth,an item ScrapTrap has traded,and everyone was proud,a job well done that was... And the end of our story that marks.

Raffle #
843 / 10,000
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This raffle ended on 1554663122.
It was started on 1554576674
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