Left 4 Scrap N#3

Hey there L4D crew! Today I'm givin' away an extra pistol! You'll need it when there's millions of zombies blazin' on their shoes to get a bite of yer booty while you're completing yer favourite campaigns! Speaking of which, what ARE yer favourite campaigns? My personal choice has to be 'The Passing', due to multiple reasons: lockers, teaming up with the old survivors, Fallen Survivors Uncommon Infected, awesome soundtrack, the Midnigth Riders' song 'Save Me Some Sugar' and killer finale!
Favourite Campaign(s)?
'KIDDIE LAAAAAAAAND!' (Dark Carnival): 39
'I hate hospitals. And doctors, and lawyers, and cops..' (No Mercy): 31
Some other campaign that isn't on here: 31
'DING DONG, dinner's served!' (Death Toll): 24
'What jackass bombed the airport?' (Dead Air): 24
'STOP BOMBING US!' (The Parish): 22
'They're safe...' (The Sacrifice): 21
'Heeey, Jimmy Gibbs!' (Dead Center): 19
'He was a ZOMBIE, Francis!' (Crash Course): 18
'Saave me some SUGAR, this won't take long...' (The Passing): 17
'Haul ass and get gas!' (Hard Rain): 17
'Safe at last?' (Blood Harvest): 15
'City tour, with more zombies!' (Suicide Blitz 2) [Custom, featured on the Wiki]: 14
'Most subscribed Co-Op campaign in Workshop history' (Urban Flight) [Custom, featured on the Wiki]: 14
'Till the last breath' (The Last Stand): 13
'I hate mansions' (I Hate Mountains 2) [Custom, featured on the Wiki]: 13
'What happens when ya don't check the goddamn map' (Detour Ahead) [Custom, featured on the Wiki]: 13
'The fire's spreadin'!' (Cold Stream): 12
'It's the Walking Dead all over again!' (Dead City II) [Custom, featured on the Wiki]: 12
'What the hell, mudmen?!' (Swamp Fever): 11
'Death Toll with bomb shelters' (Heaven Can Wait II) [Custom, featured on the Wiki]: 11
'All aboard, WOO WOO!' (Death Aboard 2) [Custom, featured on the Wiki]: 10
'Nevadaaa, Nevadaaaa' (One 4 Nine) [Custom, featured on the Wiki]: 10
'Zombies! Ghosts! EXCITEMENT!' (Haunted Forest) [Custom, featured on the Wiki]: 10
'Dead Center with cooler soundtrack' (Dead Before Dawn Too) [Custom, featured on the Wiki]: 9
'Last trip to N'awlins' (Welcome to Hell) [Custom, featured on the Wiki]: 9
'Haul ass and get gas! AGAIN!' (Gas Fever) [Custom, featured on the Wiki]: 9
Slime Girl Connoisseur
Raffle #
1,282 / 99,999
Time Left:
One Winner
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