Currency & stable items accepted
No Bids, minimum:
1 key, 15 refined
Current Bid:
2 keys, 7.33 refined

Unpriced 1:1, No Min

So, as I'm typing this I am already regretting this but a promise is a promise so here I go:
1. Like the title says, only 1 in the world.
2. Ehhhhh, worth about 60 keys ish, maybe idk I'll put up 3 month time period of recent sales in the comments.(You can check the other suggestions, funky business happened because of false pricings, they got called out F).
3. Electrostatic, literally a cursed R O B O T unusual, wow thanks rng.
4. For spy, yes.
5. Themed??? It's basically pilot and thunder, might be a stretch but I guess there's some kind of correlation.
6. If you don't bid on this hat you will get baguette famine for 69 days.
Currency & stable items
Time Left:
Instant-Buy Price:
69 keys
Sniping Prevention:
Current Bid:
15 keys, 77.44 refined
This auction has ended.


Current Top Bid