Currency & stable items accepted
Current Bid:
46.11 refined
Currency & stable items accepted
Current Bid:
9 refined

[NO MIN] 1 of 1

Hey, I'm selling this clean, 1 of 1 Circling Heart Dayjogger (
Don't judge by it's outdated price or very low buy orders. ScrapTF, for example, values this unusual for 64 keys ( This unusual is 1 of 1, so if you buy it, you can create a suggestion on to set a new price. You would ask me why I don't do it by myself. The answer is simple: I just don't have time, so that's why I'm trying to quicksell it. That's my little story. Hope you will understand and don't price it too low, like the buy orders. Thank you :^)
Currency & stable items
Time Left:
Instant-Buy Price:
55 keys
Sniping Prevention:
Current Bid:
27 keys, 9.33 refined
This auction has ended.


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