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Current Bid:
1 key, 0.88 refined
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3 keys, 55 refined

1 of 1 forever! Quicksell.

One of the highest tier medic hats.
1 of 1 in the world, will be forever, since this is a retired halloween effect.

Honestly an 'underrated' effect. People are really starting to take note of the ghastly and phantasm effects in my opinion.

I sold a gatsby which is not 1 of 1, and a far lower tier hat than this one with Phantasm for 100 in full pure, in a few days.

Time Warp and GBH are both recently priced at 175 on the stahlhelm. Neither is 1 of 1, and neither are retired effects (They're robo effects and can still be unboxed from robo crates). Ooze and Amaranthine, which are from the same generation of effects as Phantasm and Ghastly are for sale at around ~200 each.

As a result, I'd see this one having no issues getting around 150. However, I am looking to buy a csgo knife.
I have already bought the gloves I need, and am now trying to quicksell this and the charmers (which is also on auction) for pure.
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70 keys, 29.66 refined
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