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This is a common issue that you might experience a lot due to some Steam issues and other reasons.

  • "There was an error accepting this trade offer. Please try again later. (ERROR NUMBER #)"
    • #8, 50, or 24: Your Steam trading session expired, you need to refresh the trade offer after logging out and back in of Steam to fix it.
    • #11, 16 or 42: The trade went through, you only need to refresh the page to see that it's no longer valid or check your inventory/backpack. Sometimes when you experience the errors 15, 16 or 25 and the trade didn't go through, you have to restart Steam and try to accept it again.
    • #15, 25 or 26: Your or the bot's backpack is full. Free some space in your backpack or use another bot that isn't full. It also can mean that the items were already traded away.
    • #2, 20 or 28 : Steam is experiencing some item server issues and you will have to try again later.
  • "You can't trade with [botname]": Restart Steam and try again, block and unblock the bot, or try accepting the offer in your Steam client instead.
  • "SteamGuard", "To protect your items..." and similar messages: Your Browser was detected as a "new device" and is temporarily restricted from trading. You have to accept the trade offer in your Steam client instead. If that doesn't work, you will have to wait anywhere from 7 to 15 days.

Yes, you can use certain keyboard shortcuts to navigate quickly to specific pages or menus without having to move your mouse at all!

Listed are some popular browser access keys :

  • Chrome: Alt on Windows. Ctrl + Opt on Mac
  • Firefox: Alt + Shift on Windows. Ctrl + Opt on Mac
  • Safari 4+: Ctrl + Opt on Mac. Alt on Windows.
  • Internet Explorer: Alt

More information about access keys and how to use them in your browser can be found at

List of access keys:

You can see most navigation shortcuts by hovering over the keyboard icon in the top-right corner of the "Banking" menu... they will appear next to the link they activate! A full list is below.

Access key(s) + 1 - Homepage
Access key(s) + 2 - Opens the user menu
Access key(s) + 3 - Opens the banking menu
Access key(s) + 4 - Item search
Access key(s) + 5 - Community Rules
Access key(s) + 8 - Terms of Service
Access key(s) + 9 - About
Access key(s) + 0 - Opens the help menu
Access key(s) + W - Weapon banking
Access key(s) + U - Unusual banking
Access key(s) + S - Strange Banking
Access key(s) + H - Hat banking
Access key(s) + D - Skin and Warpaint banking
Access key(s) + P - MvM parts banking
Access key(s) + K - Key banking
Access key(s) + L - Killstreak banking
Access key(s) + C - Card banking
Access key(s) + B - Badge Builder
Access key(s) + G - Game Banking
Access key(s) + I - Item banking
Access key(s) + J - Incinerator
 Access key(s) + M - User Profile
Access key(s) + O - Settings


If you receive a random trade offer from a fake Scrap.TF bot or someone asks you do "deposit items" into our site, your account may be compromised. Follow these steps to regain control of your account:
  • Change your Steam password: This will remove any unauthorized access from your account. You will not get a trade ban or trade hold if you change your password while already logged into your account.
  • Revoke any API keys: Visit and click "Revoke My Steam Web API Key" if that button appears.
  • [b]Sign out from all devices: Visit and deauthorize all devices except your current one.
Tips to avoid getting your account compromised/hijacked:
  • When signing into steam on another site such as Scrap.TF, open Steam in a new tab and sign in there first. If the "sign in through steam" webpage still asks for your login, do not fill it in.
  • Never click on links or download anything from random people on steam or discord or anywhere. Random people will add you and attempt to scam you all the time.
  • If you use Steam Desktop Authenticator, always download it from GitHub at! Never from any other website. There are multiple websites still live with hacked versions of SDA that will steal your account.

This means that either the trade offer is in the process of sending, or the bot has suffered a failure. In which case, you might need to wait up to a half hour for the bot to restart. If you have been stuck for more than 30 minutes, then we suggest you to ask a supporter in the support chat to kick you out from the queue. If support happens to be closed, you can submit a ticket regarding it in the Help and Support forum (you have to be logged in to access it).

Receiving your trade offer may take longer when the site is under heavy load or when Steam's servers are being slower than normal. If your trade has been processing for more than 10 minutes this means there may be a problem with that bot, so you should cancel the trade and try again at a later time.

There are different reasons why you might be experiencing this:

  • Your metal is not tradable or not craftable, you need clean metal in order to trade with our bots. You can check this at your steam inventory
  • Your or the bots backpack is full and cannot carry any more items.
  • The bots are experiencing some connection issues.
  • You are being affected by trade holds.
  • Strange Banking:
    • The bots already have 15 units of the strange you are trying to sell. The error "You offered no valid items" is caused by such stock limit
    • The strange that you are trying to sell is not craftable (check if we are accepting that version) or not tradeable.
  • Killstreak Kit Banking:
    • "You offered no valid items" means that we already have hit the stock limit for the kits you are trying to sell. The current stock limit is: 5 of the same basic kits and 1 of the same specialized and professional.
  • MvM Part Swap:
    • The parts that you are trying to sell are currently not being bought. For example: If it says "Reinforced: 0/0.05" then it means that we aren't buying reinforced parts at that moment.
    • If the price of the parts you are trying to sell is lower than 1 scrap, you have to sell multiple parts in order to get at least a scrap. For example, if we pay 0.5 scrap for Reinforced parts, you need to sell 2 of these parts, since the bots cannot pay you less than 1 scrap.
You will have to wait some seconds and try again by refreshing the page or by clicking on the refresh button. Sometimes that happens because of the APIs or GCs that we are using are down.

Selling games is new to many so here is a list of conditions that you have to consider.

The game you want to sell has to meet these conditions:

  1. The game has to be a tradable game gift in your inventory (next to the trading cards). You cannot sell games that are in your library. Once a game is in your library, it can never be turned back into a tradable game again.
  2. The game gift must have no regional restrictions at all, i.e. it has to be activatable in every country in the world.
  3. The game or bundle must still be available on Steam in the same form. You can recognize removed games by their generic gray "Steam Gift" logo.
  4. The game must be listed in our list of accepted games
  5. The game must be below the stock limit (part of the bar green in the list of accepted games) (we only buy a certain amount per game to prevent abuse and overstocking)

Your Steam Account has to meet these conditions:

  1. Public profile (see How do I make my steam gift inventory public? )
  2. Uncheck "Keep your Steam Gift inventory private" in inventory privacy settings (see How do I make my steam gift inventory public? )
  3. No trade holds when you trade (see It keeps saying that it will result in an escrow when I have everything activated! )

If you fullfill these conditions and still have problems, please ask for help on the forums or on live support.

You can trade with our bots or with anyone as long as the items that you are trying to trade are tradeable. You can check this at your steam inventory.

When you are free to play you will only find/craft non tradeable items. In order to find or craft tradable items in TF2 you need to become premium. You can become premium by buying an item from the Mann Co. Store or by having someone give you an "upgrade to premium" gift. If you are F2P, the only way to obtain tradable items is through trading with users and bots.

Please note that your trade restricted (F2P) items could show up in any of the "Sell Items" sections, because our site may be unable to detect if they are tradeable or not. If you select these trade-restricted items, the bots will not be able to send you a trade offer!

In order to set your trade offer url you will have to follow these steps:

  1. Go to your settings
  2. Go to where it says "Trade Offer URL" and look at the text that can be found under the box.
  3. Click on "Trade URL for Third-Party-Sites". It will open a page.
  4. Scroll down until you see "Third-Party sites" - the URL under it is your trade offer URL.
  5. Copy the URL and paste it on the box mentioned before (in your settings), then click the save button.

That's it! You have now set your trade offer URL and the bots will be able to send you a trade offer without adding you.

WARNING: If you have Steam Guard disabled or recently activated it for your browser, then you might be unable to accept trade offers from your webbrowser for a while.
You can still use your Steam client to accept trade offers like you always did. Don't know how to do that? Click here for a guide!

  1. Our bots may be experiencing connection issues to Steam. You can check if Steam is down by visiting
  2. Make sure that your trade offer URL that is located in your settings is correct.
  3. Check if the items that you are trying to sell are tradable. (metal/items)
  4. Make sure that you haven't changed your password recently, logged in from a new browser, cleared cache and/or cookies or recently activated Steam Guard. If you have done anything of that then you will have to wait until the time limit is over so you are able to trade again.
  5. Your backpack might be full or might not have enough space for your new item(s).
  6. Your trade offer URL might not be working properly or you didn't set it properly.

This means you may have taken too long to accept the trade offer. Offers have a limit in our bots before they are automaticly canceled. There may also have been an error or you were kicked due to maintenance.

Make sure that your metal and items are tradable and craftable. If you aren't able to see the metal via the Steam Community backpack, then you will have to wait a few minutes or close TF2 so your it gets updated.

If you are experiencing this error while trying to pay with items, it most likely means that we are not accepting said item for whatever reason or that it is overstocked.

You will get a notification and a red banner at the top of the page when you have won a raffle.

You need to set your community profile as well as your inventory to public (setting it just to "logged in users only" won't work!).

  1. Open your steam profile and click on Edit Profile, you'll end up at this page.
  2. Click on "My Privacy Settings" and select "Public - Viewable by anyone on the World-Wide Web" in both the "Profile Status" and "Inventory" sections.
    • You don't need to disclose your Steam Gift inventory, unless you want to use game banking.
  3. If you have done that, click the "redo validation" link in the warning message at the top of the page.

If that does not work, try relogging from If the message is still present after that, repeat the process after some time has passed (we recommend 30 to 60 minutes) as Steam sometimes takes a while to update its status properly. 

In order to use the steam or the custom emotes that we offer, you will have to write :nameoftheemotehere:. The emote (picture) will appear once you post the comment.
List of's custom emotes

When you are community banned you cannot do the following:

  • Join our chat or use the support room.
  • Comment on profiles, announcements, raffles, auctions, etc.
  • Have people comment on your profile.
  • View our forum (You will get an error if you try to).
  • Create and/or join raffles.
  • Create auctions or bid in them.

This might happen when we are experiencing issues with the steam api, making all tradeoffer urls seem faulty to us. Otherwise it might be because you have done something which triggered SteamGuard's protection. Things like changing your email, changing your password, logging in from a new device or browser, logging in from a browser after clearing your cache and cookies, changing your authenticator device, and other things of the sort trigger so.

You will have to wait up to two weeks in order to be able to trade again, you can find more information regarding this topic in the following Steam Support article

I want to buy weapons for metal, how do I buy weapons?

This is the weapons page. You can view a list of all available items at "Buy Weapons".

Here you can click on the weapons you want to buy and they'll appear at the top. For this example a Second Banana and a Lollichop were selected.
The filter button at the top-left allows you to filter the available weapons by class and/or slot, and the total price is displayed on the right.
If you would like to pay using just metal and keys, you can now hit the shopping cart icon to be added to the queue. If you would like to pay with your own weapons, you can instead press the inventory button and select the items you would like to pay with, after which you can press the shopping cart icon to get added to the queue.

Once you're in the queue you'll have to wait for the bot to send you the offer.

Once the bot has sent the offer, this popup will appear. To continue the trade, click on "Open Trade Offer" and the steam tradeoffer will appear.

Please check if the offer is correct, and then confirm and accept the trade. You will now have to confirm this trade within the steam authenticator.

Once you have confirmed the trade, the site should update shortly after. The items will now be available in your inventory. Congratulations on a successful trade!

Before trading again make sure that:

  1. You have set your current public trade offer URL. If you created a new URL you need to update it by clicking here.
  2. The items are tradable and craftable (except for the accepted not craftable ones)
  3. Your backpack isn't full or overfilled
  4. Your backpack isn't outdated, you will have to close TF2 or restart Steam in order to update it.
  5. The homepage confirms that TF2 API and/or GC are up
  6. You don't have not tradable metal in your backpack, if you do then you will have to remove it
  7. You have enough metal to pay/items
  8. The bot is up
  9. You haven't recently changed your password, cleared cache and cookies or recently activated SteamGuard. If you have done any of that, then you will have to wait a week - a month in order to be able to trade again
  10. There isn't any announcement about it. If there is then you will have to read it.
  11. The site isn't down

We have updated Scrap.TF to remove the outdated queue viewer. Ever since we implemented trade offers our bots have processed and sent many trades at once, removing the need for the traditional queue.

The trading process is now simplified and more convenient for everyone.

Badges are given out by participating in events or by doing other things related to the site. Most badges were only given out for certain events and can no longer be obtained.

The only badges that can currently be obtained are the following:

  • Member for x years: This badge is given to everyone based on the number of years they've been a member of the site.
  • Raffle Veteran: This badge is automatically awarded to users who have been raffling for at least 2 years (the difference between your first and most recent raffle being over 2 years), and who have made over 50 raffles.
  • Pony+: This badge is given out only by staff members that select you for it. It is mostly given to very active community members with pony avatars.
  • Beta Tester: This badge is given out to users that help us test new features. We very rarely add new users to the beta testing team.
  • Supporter: This badge is for our volunteer support staff. If you'd like to apply click here.
Tips are a way of showing a user gratitude for a raffle. Tips can be given by going to a raffle created by the user and clicking the 'Tip User' button.
In order to give users tips, you must either earn them from raffles or buy them. Tips are exchanged at a rate of 1 Scrap for 1 Tip.
When you have earned tips, you can redeem them at the same 1 Scrap for 1 Tip rate.
You can buy and withdraw your tips here:

Related :

As the message says, you might have a trade ban or your inventory might be set to private. Make sure that your inventory settings are set to public and that you haven't done anything which could trigger SteamGuard's protection. Things like changing your email, changing your password, logging in from a new device or browser, logging in from a browser after clearing your cache and cookies and things of the sort trigger such protection.

If it's because SteamGuard, you won't be able to trade for a week.


If the bots gave you the wrong amount for your item, don't panic. Post in the refunds section and make sure to read the guidelines!

The help FAQs are designed to teach you how to use our site, answer questions you may have, and self-diagnose problems you may come across.

There are 2 ways to use the FAQs:

  1. Browse through the list of topics and find the category that corresponds to the question or problem you have and find the answer inside
  2. Use the Knowledge base search bar at the top part of the help center to search for the answer to your question or problem

Can't find the answer to your problem? Our help forums are a great place to look for the answer to your question or problem. If someone hasn't already reported your question in our archive, feel free to post an entry and one of our staff members or community supporters will get to you as soon as possible. Be wary that the normal chat is not the right place to ask for support and that you need to be logged in our forums in order to access the help forums and/or our archive.

Yes, there is, you have two weeks to claim your prize. You can find more information about claim times in our raffle rule #8
  1. Start by clicking on one of the buttons that you can see on the home page, the image that you can see in them is related to the banking that they do.
  2. After picking what banking you want to use you will have to click on "Sell [item/banking name]" if you want to sell your items. If you want to buy from our bots then you will have to scroll down a bit and select one of our bots or click the buy button if there's any so they show up.
  3. You should be able to see your backpack or the bot's backpack and also be able to pick the items that you want to buy or sell. When you finish picking which items you want to buy or sell and with what you want to pay, you'll be added to the queue where you'll have to wait for your turn.
  4. When you're in the front of the queue the bot will send you a trade offer and a notification will appear on giving you the options of checking the trade offer that the bot has sent you.

You can also watch our tutorial videos here.

Steam has a feature which basically allows anyone to report an account for trade-scams. If enough people do this, the account will be automatically flagged. This process is completely automatic and no human will review these reports, so it's being abused by users who don't like us. 

When you win and click on the red notification, you should be redirected to a page with the raffles that you won. It should look like the image below : You will have to click on the "Withdraw items" button in order to get put in the queue and claim your prize, a bot will send you a trade offer when it's your turn.

Please, before accepting the trade, make sure that the items are the correct ones.

I want to sell weapons for metal, how do I turn my weapons into scrap?

This is the weapons page. Click on the "Scrap Weapons" button to begin.

Here you choose the weapons you want to buy. I've selected a Tomislav and a Back Scratcher.
To the left you can filter your weapons if you for example only want to see Scout or Heavy weapons. 
To the right you'll see how many scraps you'll get for your weapons.
Hit the green "Trade Now!" button to continue

You're now in the queue to get your weapons scrapped. You can see the queue at the top of the screen. I'm currently in a "global queue" which is what you'll be in at the start. Then you'll be assigned to a bot to trade with it. You might be in a queue for a minute or so. 
You can see what the trade needs to look like. 1 scrap metal for my two weapons.

Now this will pop up. Click the green "Go to trade offer"

You'll now get into a trade. Simply accept the trade if everything is alright.
When the offer is alright and has gone through then the trade will be closed.

You'll now see this. You now have your metal. Simply close it by clicking the white X at the top right of the box.

You've now succesfully completed a weapons trade! Congratulations!
It's basically the same with all the other trades but you can always go and check those tutorials as well.

That's because of an issue on Steam's end (most of the times), making our bots unable to check if the trade will end getting put in hold or something similar.

The only way to fix this issue is to keep trying until the trade goes through or wait some minutes and try again. Sometimes it might take you a lot of tries because of the Steam issues that were stated before.

Make sure that

Then you will have to wait until the bot gains more space by buying or selling (depending on what banking) items from/to the users. Staff will take action if it's needed, but we ask you to refrain from poking them about it every 5 minutes.

Scrap.TF uses Steam's official OpenID interface to authenticate your Steam account. In this process you sign in with your username and password on the Steam servers, after that the Steam server tells us if you logged in successfully and returns your 64bit Steam ID. Your user credentials will not be shared.

You can read more about it here:

Enabling sniping prevention will prevent users from bidding on your auctions seconds before they close.

If a bid is placed in the last 5 minutes of your auction's time left, the timer will be reset to 5 minutes to give other users more time to bid and the auctioneer time to reject it.

Additionally, any bids placed during the 5 minute sniping protection time must be 1% higher in value than the current highest bid. This is to prevent lots of bids that continuously make the time longer.

You will have to wait until someone sells that specific item to the bot,as all of our bots are restocked by users like you.

You can also check the other banking types for your desired item (for example, if you are looking for rare hats or rare stranges, check out item banking)

We don't always have keys in stock. We only get more in stock when other users sell keys to us. This is heavily dependant on the current market situation and key prices.

To make your steam gift inventory public, you will need to first navigate to your steam profile From your steam profile, click “Edit Profile” and “My Privacy Settings” Once in the privacy settings, simply uncheck the box that says: “Keep your Steam Gift inventory private” and click save

The meaning of that message is that someone else has/shares the same IP as the one that you have, this exists to prevent people from cheating by making alts. You won't get banned for that, you just cannot enter the same raffle as someone else on your IP already has.

If you know someone in your house is also entering raffles you can apply for IP whitelisting in our forums:

Please make sure to read the stickied guidelines on IP whitelisting in the forum!

You can change the color of your username by going to your settings -> User Profile. You can use the colors from the previous ranks, but you won't be able to have a custom color of your own until you purchase Super Premium.

In order to request a custom color (SP), you will have to go to the category mentioned previously in your settings and then introduce the color (In Hex) you want in the custom name color box and save. After doing so, a request for said color will be made and sent to the staff. They will decide if to accept or reject said color.

Does that mean I can request any color?

No, it does not mean you can request any color. We will accept your color as long as :

  • The contrast ratio of your color is 3 or higher when the background color is #1A1917. Said thing can be checked here
  • The contrast ratio of your color is 1.5 or higher when the background color is #FFFFFF (white). Said thing can be checked here
    • Your color has to meet both contrast ratios!
  • It is not close to or is not the color of the banned users (#CC1100)
  • It is not an exact copy of the ranks above SP. The ranks and hex colors of them are :
    • Affiliate (#1ABC9C)
    • Contributor (#C5758C)
    • Support (#00ADAF)
    • Server Moderator (#D35400)
    • Moderator (#008AB9)
    • Administrator (#E74C3C)
    • Developer (#00FFFF)
    • Owner (#A475C5)
When an item is reserved it means that someone else went to the bot's backpack, picked the item and now is in the queue (he's waiting to buy/get it from the bot). This is done so other people aren't able to accidentally steal other user's items. No, you can't reserve any by yourself. Items get automatically reserved as soon as you get in the queue for that item.

This option automatically sells your duplicated weapons for metal so you don't have to slowly select one by one manually.

You can use the following tags from BBCode for formatting your text. That means you can use them in raffles, comments, aboutme, etc :
  • Bold : [b]text[/b]
  • Italics : [i]text[/i]
  • Underline: [u]text[/u]
  • Strikethrough : [s]text[/s]
  • Colors : [color=#HEXCODE]text[/color]. You can also use the name of said color.
  • Images : [img]https://urltoimage[/img] (does not work everywhere)
  • Url : [url=https://urlgoeshere]text[/url]

Bots can not be "filled" by the staff. All bots are filled and stocked only by user trades.

For example, the hat bots will only get more metal if more users buy more hats.

You cannot remove your bid, however the auctioneer can reject your bid if they desire.

The colored and numbered circles indicate winner groups for multiple items. A raffle can have a total of six different winner groups, this means that you can win all items of the same group (color/number).

It can be because :

  • It's overstocked (stock limit).
  • It's not tradable (check the item from your Steam inventory).
  • The information that we are getting from your backpack is outdated. Try opening and closing TF2 or close TF2 if you already have it opened.
  • We cannot calculate a price for it because it does not meet one (or many) of the conditions required for us to do said calculation.

This website offers you an automated Team Fortress 2 banking service for weapons, hats, keys and many other items.

You can bank your TF2 items for metal or you can exchange your metal for TF2 items our bots have in stock.

On top of banking we also offer tf2 item auctioning and giveaways/raffles and have an active community

It allows you to buy a number of random craftable hats (you can pick/choose the number) which are worth 1.44 ref (may change during time) without the need of selecting them.

Yes and no respectively. Some expensive stranges can be banked through item banking (check the list that you can see in item banking to see which ones) while all the other stranges can be banked through strange banking. We do not have any special banking for vintage items at this moment, but you can sell vintage hats in hat banking.

I want to buy a hat for metal, how do I buy hats?

This is the hat banking page. You can view a list of all available items at "Buy Hats"

Here you can click on the cosmetics which you want to buy and they'll appear at the top. For this example, a Pomade Prince and a Tiny Timber were selected.
The filter button at the top-left allows you to filter the available cosmetics by class and/or slot, and the total price is displayed on the right.
If you would like to pay using just metal and keys, you can now hit the shopping cart icon to be added to the queue. If you would like to pay with your own cosmetics, you can instead press the inventory button and select the items you would like to pay with, after which you can press the shopping cart icon to get added to the queue.

Once you're in the queue you'll have to wait for the bot to send you the offer.

Once the bot has sent the offer, this popup will appear. To continue the trade, click on "Open Trade Offer" and the steam tradeoffer will appear.

Please check if the offer is correct, and then confirm and accept the trade. You will now have to confirm this trade within the steam authenticator.

Once you have confirmed the trade, the site should update shortly after. The items will now be available in your inventory. Congratulations on a successful hat banking trade!

To claim the item that you have won, visit the auction's page and click on the "Finish Bid" button. You will receive a trade offer containing the item you won in exchange for the items you bid.



Steam might be having some connection issues with your backpack, try opening and closing TF2 (or close it if you already have it open) and check your Steamcommunity backpack.

If the items still do not show up then the trade might not have gone through, you will have to check your trade history and verify that the trade went through.

Items disappear in-game when they are used in a trade offer. This is enforced by Valve to prevent item-duping exploits, if the trade offer failed to go through, the items will be returned after a map change or you disconnect from the server you are on. We have no influence on this behavior.

This option/feature makes the bot detect the fabricators in your backpack and automatically sends you a trade offer with the parts that you are missing in order to complete it/them.

I want to buy items from the item bots for metal and keys, how do I buy these?

This is the items page. Scroll down a little and you'll see all the bots.

This is a bot. Click on it to see all the items it has.

Here you choose the items you want to buy. I've searched for "name" and selected a Name Tag
To the left you can filter the itemsif you for example only want to see Engineer or Medic items
To the right you'll see how much you'll have to pay for the items
Hit the green "Next Stage" button to continue

Now you'll see your backpack. Here you can choose if you want to trade your items for the items you selected before. I want to pay with metal and or keys so I don't select anything and hit the "Trade Now!" button.

You're now in the queue to buy the items you selected. You might be in a queue for a minute or so. 

Now this will pop up. Click the green "Go to trade offer"

You'll now get into a trade. Simply accept the trade if everything is alright.
When the offer is alright and has gone through then the trade will be closed.

You'll now see this. You now have the items you wanted. Simply close it by clicking the white X at the top right of the box.

You've now succesfully completed a items trade! Congratulations!
It's basically the same with all the other trades, but. You can always go and check those tutorials as well.

This is a guide on how to use Mann Vs. Machine part banking.

I want to buy some Mann Vs. Machine parts for metal, how do I buy these?

This is the Mann Vs. Machine banking page.

You'll see a list of bots when you click the "Buy Parts" button. Choose a bot to continue.

Here you choose the part(s) you want to buy. I've selected two Battle-Worn Robot Taunt Processors.
You can choose to pay with Metal or your Robo Parts + Metal.
I wanna pay with metal only so I press the "Offer Metal Only" button.

You're now in the queue to buy the Robo-Part(s) you selected. You might be in a queue for a minute or so. 

Now this will pop up. Click the green "Go to trade offer"

You'll now get into a trade. Simply accept the trade if everything is alright.
When the offer is alright and has gone through then the trade will be closed.

You'll now see this. You now have the weapons you wanted. Simply close it by clicking the white X at the top right of the box.

You've now succesfully completed a Mann Vs. Machine Robo Part trade! Congratulations!
It's basically the same with all the other trades, but. You can always go and check those tutorials as well.

In key banking we only accept normal Mann Co supply crate keys. This means that we do not accept other keys like : EoTL keys, nice keys, naughty keys, summer keys, etc.. We also do not accept/buy keys that were event keys and turned into normal keys.

However, in item banking we accept some of the alternative keys.

It is impossible to send empty tradeoffers via Steam, and thus this will not happen with our bots.

This is an issue with the Steam's servers and you will have to keep reloading the trade offer until the items show up.

When you go to the auction, you should be able to see their username, avatar and a box below saying "paid". If it's not there, it means that the user has not paid yet. Once the user has paid, you will be able to withdraw the items from the site inventory.



In the settings page you can configure some options of your account, you can find the following settings :

General settings

  1. Setting your trade offer URL (recommended): With this option you can paste your trade offer URL so you don't have to add the bot anymore in order to trade with it.
  2. Site Background colour: This option allows you to pick what colour you would like to have as the background in our site. It must be in Hexadecimal (for example, #333333 is a grey colour).
  3. Site theme: You can pick which theme you want to use in order to change the site's appearance.
  4. Desktop notifications: This enables/disables the options of getting a small popup which will inform you about your status in the queue.
  5. Item scrolling: Having this option enabled allows you to scroll through the bot's backpack without having the "bot menu" following you.
  6. Allow tips: Disabling this stops people from being able to tip your raffles.
  7. Allow premium gifts: Disabling this stops people from being able to buy you premium.
  8. Enable snow overlay: Disabling this stops the snow overlay from showing during the Christmas event.

Update your profile from Steam

This option will allow you to update your username and avatar to your current Steam username and avatar.

Privacy settings

  1. Raffle winner privacy: This option allows you to select what you want from you to be shown when you win a raffle. The options are:
    • Show my avatar and username.
    • Show my avatar, but censor my username.
    • Hide my avatar and username.
  2. Hide all links to your Steam-Profile for other users on Scrap.TF: If you activate this option, no one will be able to go to your Steam profile through Scrap.TF (except staff).
  3. Hide last online time from your profile: Activating this will hide the "Last online:" text from your profile.
  4. Delete Your Content: This section allows you to automatically remove your own content from being visible on the site. You may decide to remove your raffles, your comments, or both. It is possible to only remove content older than a certain amount of months by selecting a value in the "Delete selected content older than" dropdown menu. Please keep in mind it is not possible to undo this action.

User Profile settings

  1. Name color: Here you can change the colour of your username to the colour of a previous rank, or if you have access to custom colors, the color which you have requested.
  2. Custom Color [super premium and above]: You can fill in the hexadecimal value of a color that you would like to have. If it gets rejected, some of the reasons could be that your color is too dark or too bright (color guidelines). You can confirm how your username will look like by filling in the hex value and looking at the preview at the top of the page.
  3. Custom user title [premium and above]: With this option you can define your custom title, so everyone can get to know more about you. Please make sure it adheres to the community rules.
  4. Setting your custom avatar [premium and above or users with the pony+ badge]: Here you can upload your custom avatar by selecting the file from your device. They must adhere to the community rules, and be less than 200*200 px.

Profile settings

  1. Custom Profile URL: This option allows you to have a custom userID instead of your usernumber. Example.
  2. Profile Background Color: You can set the background color for your profile here. It must be in Hexadecimal.
  3. Profile Theme: You can set the theme of your profile here. You can obtain more themes in our events.
  4. Profile Background Image: You can upload an image that you would like to use as your profile background. Right now we are only accepting these following file types: .jpg and .png.
    • Background Image Repeat: You can set how your background image will be repeated.
    • Background Image Position: You can set the starting position of the background image.
    • Background Image Attachment: You can set whether a background image is fixed or scrolls with the rest of the page.
    • Background Image Size: You can set if you would like the background image to keep it's size, fill the whole page, or the user's screen.
    • Use profile background on your raffles: Enabling this makes the site use your profile background as background on your own raffles.
  5. Transparent Profile Boxes: You can make your profile boxes have some transparency so the background is more visible. Example.
  6. Show steam level: This enables/disables the badge next to your name on your profile showing your achieved level on steam.
  7. Enable profile comments: If this has been disabled, users cannot leave or see comments on your profile page.
  8. Social media: You can link your YouTube channel, Channel and Twitter profile on your profile page. You cannot use this for promotion, but it will allow users to find you on other platforms.
  9. About you: You can introduce not rule breaking information about yourself here. It will be shown under your user information. Example.

File uploads

Here you can manage every avatar and background which you have uploaded and you can have up to twenty images uploaded. With them you can:

  • Set Avatar: It will set that image to your avatar. You can change it any time.

The raffle might have ended or still is being validated. Refresh the page to see if the information about the raffle got updated.

You will have to wait for some minutes so the bot notices that you have not withdrawn your prize and try again. If the issue persists and you are unable to withdraw it again, you will have to submit a refund request in the refunds subforum or if the trade keeps erroring, you will have to submit a support ticket in the help and support subforum.

I want to sell items for metal / keys, how do I turn my items into metal / keys?

This is the items page. Click on the "Sell Items" button to begin.

Here you choose the items you want to sell. I've selected a Muskelmannbraun paint.
To the left you can filter your items if you for example only want to see your Scout or Heavy items. 
To the right you'll see how much you'll get for your items.
Hit the green "Trade Now!" button to continue

You're now in the queue to sell your items. You can see the queue at the top of the screen. I'm currently in a "global queue" which is what you'll be in at the start. Then you'll be assigned to a bot to trade with it. You might be in a queue for a minute or so. 
You can see what the trade needs to look like. 2 reclaimed metal for my Muskelmannbraun paint.

Now this will pop up. Click the green "Go to trade offer"

You'll now get into a trade. Simply accept the trade if everything is alright.
When the offer is alright and has gone through then the trade will be closed.

You'll now see this. You now have your metal. Simply close it by clicking the white X at the top right of the box.

You've now succesfully completed a Items trade! Congratulations!
It's basically the same with all the other trades, but. You can always go and check those tutorials as well.

On the top right of Scrap.TF there is a search bar; type part of the item you want to find and it will list what bot(s) have said item.

You cannot cancel auctions once they are created, no exceptions. Staff members can not do it for you either.

  1. Some user gives items to the bot for free, giving them away.
  2. Some other user notices that the bot has items in it's backpack and "buys" them (like every other banking).
  3. That other user gets the items for free.

Here are the reasons why your hat might not be showing up:

  1. Your backpack might be outdated, try closing TF2 if you have it open or try restarting Steam.
  2. The hat that you are trying to sell is not tradable, does not have a price yet, or is too expensive (check
  3. We have hit the stock limit of said hat. Hat banking's stock limit.
  4. We are not accepting that hat. Click here to see the list of not accepted hats
  5. We might be experiencing some connection issues because the TF2 API or GC are down

This is a guide on how to use Mann Vs. Machine part banking.

I want to sell some Mann Vs. Machine parts for metal, how do I sell these?

This is the Mann Vs. Machine banking page. Click the "Sell Parts" button to begin.

You'll be in a queue once you've pressed the "Trade Now" button.

You're now in the queue to sell your Robo Parts. You can see the queue at the top of the screen. I'm currently in a "global queue" which is what you'll be in at the start. Then you'll be assigned to a bot to trade with it. You might be in a queue for a minute or so. 

Now this will pop up. Click the green "Go to trade offer"

You'll now get into a trade. Simply accept the trade if everything is alright.
When the offer is alright and has gone through then the trade will be closed.

You'll now see this. You now have your metal. Simply close it by clicking the white X at the top right of the box.

You've now succesfully completed a Mann Vs. Machine Robo Part trade! Congratulations!
It's basically the same with all the other trades, but. You can always go and check those tutorials as well.

Most of the time we are not looking for any new staff members. If we are ever accepting new applications an announcement will be posted in our raffles section.

If you are checking this, then it's because the following message has appeared to you :


As you can read in the message, this is happening because :

  • There are a lot of people in the same place that you are which are using
  • You are accessing Scrap.TF with the web browser Tor, VPN or proxy service.
  • Your IP has been flagged for suspicious behavior.

If you are sure that everything is fine and you are not doing anything which was stated previously, then you will have to change your IP address. Restarting your router should do.


Once the winning bidder has paid, their items will be available in your site inventory. Keep in mind, if the bidder does not pay, their items will not be available there.

Yes, you can! For more information please enter live support and ask your possible future peers! If you would like to join, please fill out the following form.It is highly recommended to be a regular user of our community and site, so that you are familiar with the way Scrap.TF works, the way trading works, and any common issues that might occur.

I want to buy strange weapons for metal, how do I buy Stranges?

This is the strange weapons page. Scroll down a little and you'll see all the bots.

This is a bot. Click on it to see all the weapons it has.

Here you choose the weapons you want to buy. I've selected a Strange Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol and a Strange Cleaner's Carbine.
To the left you can filter your weapons if you for example only want to see Engineer or Medic weapons. 
To the right you'll see how much you'll have to pay for the weapons.
Hit the green "Next Stage" button to continue

Now you'll see your backpack. Here you can choose if you want to trade your Strange weapons for the Strange weapons you selected before or if you want to pay with keys. I want to pay with metal so I don't select anything and hit the "Trade Now!" button.

You're now in the queue to buy the weapons you selected. You might be in a queue for a minute or so. 
You can see what the trade needs to look like. 2 Strange weapons for my 1 Refined and 2 Scrap metal.

Now this will pop up. Click the green "Go to trade offer"

You'll now get into a trade. Simply accept the trade if everything is alright.
When the offer is alright and has gone through then the trade will be closed.

You'll now see this. You now have the weapons you wanted. Simply close it by clicking the white X at the top right of the box.

You've now succesfully completed a Strange weapons trade! Congratulations!
It's basically the same with all the other trades, but. You can always go and check those tutorials as well.

This option allows you to combine your metal without the need of opening the game.

As you were warned before bidding, you must keep the exact items you bid in your inventory. If you trade them away or even get replacements for the same item, the trade won't work because they do not have the same ID.

Some items such as metal and keys do not have this restriction and are not ID specific.

  • Make sure you are using a modern browser that supports HTML5 to experience all features this website has to offer.
  • Your Steam profile and inventory have to be set public in order for our bots to trade with you.
  • For the best trading experience, you should set your Trade URL in your Scrap.TF settings and make sure that the Steam authenticator is enabled on your account...
  • In order to trade with our bots, you need to have tradeable TF2 items (which we accept) and/or currencies (scrap, reclaimed, refined, keys) in your backpack.
  • In case you are unable to receive or accept trade offers, please read these articles about problems with trade offers.
  • If you are a Free2Play TF2 user, it can happen that some of your items are selectable, but the bots will be unable to trade for them. Steam restricts trading of your items if you found them as a random item drop or you crafted an item. These items would be normally tradeable if you become premium, but you cannot trade them as long as you are F2P!

The stock limit is of two units per wear of that skin. This stock limit is global, meaning that if one bot has one unit of said skin with a certain wear and the other bot has the same skin with the same wear, we won't be buying it.

There are some reasons of why you are experiencing that issue:

  1. Your backpack might be outdated, try closing TF2 if you have it open or try restarting Steam.
  2. The item you are trying to sell is not on the price list. Scroll down on the item banking page to see it.
  3. If the item is uncraftable, make sure to check the chart to see if we accept the not craftable version of it.
  4. The item is untradeable.
  5. We have hit the stock limit of said item. You can see the limits in the price list.

Yes, it does. The bots can hold a total number of 100 of each hat/misc in total, holding 10 units at max individually.

First of all, please make sure that the issue you want to discuss is urgent!
This is because we have, on average, 30,000 trades taking place per day, so if for example your trade failed, help can be sought through our help center (the one you are viewing right now!), dedicated help forum or live support chat (if available). This is much more preferable than contacting us directly, which only serves to hinder our work.

Our staff do not wish to be personally contacted by any users. However, if you urgently need to contact us to disclose a security vulnerability or other critical issue(s) with the site, please email with the details and you should receive a response within a day.

That is because of the amount of Steam inventory items which our bot has to process, causing it to get slown down by a lot. You will have to keep waiting until the trade fails or goes through.

Yes, card banking has stock limits. This limit changes based on a number of factors and is not public.

In order to select what you want to gift to your recipient, you will have to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the event page.
  2. Click on the Gift Items button. That will open your site inventory in the event page.
  3. If you still have to deposit the items, then click on the Deposit Items button. Doing so will redirect you to the normal Site inventory.
    1. Select the items to deposit from your backpack and click on the Deposit button.
    2. Wait until the validation is done. Once it's finished, you will be able to see the items deposited in your site inventory.
  4. Once you are done depositing your items you will be able to click on the items that you want to gift, that will move your items to the Selected Items section.
  5. You are almost there! The only thing remaining to do is to click on the Submit Gift button and the items shown in the Selected Items section will be set as a gift!

You can do so by typing [img]linkoftheimage[/img] and posting it.

That's because the items which have been incinerated have quickly been grabbed by other users. Staff does not put items in the incinerator bot by request.

It could mean that we are not buying or selling that skin yet. You will have to wait until our site is able to get an average price of said skin in order for it to have a price.

Remember that our stock limit in skin banking is of two units of every wear per skin.

I want to sell my hat(s) for metal, how do I turn my hat(s) into metal?

This is the Hat banking page. Click on the "Sell Hats button to begin.

Here you choose the hat(s) you want to sell. I've selected a Madame Dixie.
To the left you can filter your hats if you for example only want to see Demoman or Medic hats. 
To the right you'll see how much you'll get for your hat(s).
Hit the green "Trade Now!" button to continue

You're now in the queue to sell your hat. You can see the queue at the top of the screen. I'm currently in a "global queue" which is what you'll be in at the start. Then you'll be assigned to a bot to trade with it. You might be in a queue for a minute or so. 
You can see what the trade needs to look like. 1 Refined and 2 Scraps metal for my Madame Dixie.

Now this will pop up. Click the green "Go to trade offer"

You'll now get into a trade. Simply accept the trade if everything is alright.
When the offer is alright and has gone through then the trade will be closed.

You'll now see this. You now have your metal. Simply close it by clicking the white X at the top right of the box.

You've now succesfully completed a Hat banking trade! Congratulations!
It's basically the same with all the other trades, but. You can always go and check those tutorials as well.

Different 'categories' of hats have different prices. Some of these are less than 1.33, and so you will be charged that much metal respectively. The bot may also charge slightly more if it has very few hats available to sell. It may also be that a member of staff has changed the price of hats. This usually happens when there is a sudden demand for large numbers of hats (such as people wanting to craft them together in the wake of a new TF2 update). The price is usually set back to normal after a few days.

If you get offered less than 1.33 for a genuine hat then do not worry about it, it's supposed to be that way. Please, do not contact a staff member, make a thread in the forums or contact support about this.

Yes, it does. The current stock limits are 5 basic killstreak kits per weapon, 7 specialized killstreak kits per weapon (one of each color sheen) and 49 professional killstreak kits per weapon (one for each killstreaker per color)


The tipping system is a way to show your appreciation to the people that make raffles. If you deposit one scrap then you will get one tip which can be used in the raffles (1 scrap = 1 tip). The person that gets tipped can use said tip to tip other rafflers or withdraw it, getting a scrap per tip withdrawn.

That's because all of our bots are full, you will have to wait until they have more space in their inventory.

You can check their inventory capacity by going to the about page.

There currently are 5 reasons of why this could be happening:

  • Your steam gift inventory settings are set to private.
  • We are not currently accepting that game, either because the game banking manager decided so or because it cannot be banked.
    • If it's the latter, the gift will be using the Steam Gift placeholder image. Example.
  • We have already hit the stock limit of that game
  • Your game is region locked.
  • You are trying to sell a game that has been added to your Steam Game library instead of a gift that is in your Steam inventory.
There are some instances where you get an error similar to: »There was an error accepting this trade offer. Please try again later. (42)«, but the Trade Offer will still be completed successfully.
You can check your Inventory History for your recent trade activity.

Because bot space is precious, you may only have a certain amount of items in the raffle bots at once. Any item that has not been won and withdrawn by the winner is considered to be in the bots. For normal users the limit is 50; you can increase this by purchasing premium.

Your suggestions are always welcome, we always look forward to improve any of our services. If you would like to share your suggestion, you can make a post in our suggestions forum. Make sure to read the guidelines, and look at the other threads to make sure your idea hasn't been posted already.

It will take less than 10 minutes to apply your new rank.If your rank does not apply in 10 minutes, double check and confirm your payment of either cash or items has successfully gone through and that it was sufficient.. If it has, please [url=]submit a refund request[/url] and we will help you out.
Many expensive items, such as these Stranges can be sold to our item banking bots.

Depends on the value of your hat. Bots will pay you more than the default craft hat price if their price is at least one or two ref higher than the average craftable hat.

Then, as the text says, there are no raffles available at this moment. You will have to wait until someone makes a new/another one in order to see it and join.

I want to sell Stranges for metal, how do I sell my Strange items?

This is the weapons page. Click on the "Sell Stranges" button to begin.

Here you choose the Stranges you want to sell. I've selected a Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol.
To the left you can filter your weapons if you for example only want to see Scout or Demoman weapons. 
To the right you'll see how much you'll get for your Stranges.
Hit the green "Trade Now!" button to continue

You're now in the queue to sell your Stranges. You can see the queue at the top of the screen. I'm currently in a "global queue" which is what you'll be in at the start. Then you'll be assigned to a bot to trade with it. You might be in a queue for a minute or so. 
You can see what the trade needs to look like. 1 Reclaimed metal for my Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol.

Now this will pop up. Click the green "Go to trade offer"

You'll now get into a trade. Simply accept the trade if everything is alright.
When the offer is alright and has gone through then the trade will be closed.

You'll now see this. You now have your metal. Simply close it by clicking the white X at the top right of the box.

You've now succesfully sold your Stranges! Congratulations!
It's basically the same with all the other trades, but. You can always go and check those tutorials as well.

In order to start using our function you will have to start by logging in, for doing so you will only need to the log in button that you can see at the bottom. It should look like this : After logging in, you will notice that more information has appeared ( ). Those are the controls that enable or disable the twitch raffle bot, click on the enable button so it joins your twitch stream chat and you are good to go! Remember to read the commands and make it mod.
The bots pay a flat rate for each 'type' of hat, rather than the 'market value' of that hat. You can view the different categories and what is paid for them here. The bots may also change their prices slightly depending upon their metal/hat amounts, as noted in brackets next to the price.
The kit which you are trying to sell might have hit our stock limit or it might not have a price set yet. You will have to wait until our bots sell some of that kit or until our price manager sets a price for it.

That tends to be an issue in your end and not ours. Please, make sure that your computer or device that you are using for accessing our site has the right date and the right time as it might be outdated or set to another time for some reason.

When submitting a raffle we must load your inventory from Steam to ensure that you're submitting valid items. This error means that the Steam API is undergoing some stress; you can try again in a few moments, or later.

That's because all of the metal that is being stored in such bot is used for future item/site refunds or for other situations which is urgently needed.

The bots set an item as overstocked when they reach 15 units of said strange weapon. This means that if the total of said strange weapon in all bots is 15, then we are not buying any more until we sell some.

If you are experiencing that "issue" then it's because we probably aren't buying the parts that you are trying to sell to us at this moment. Make sure to check the price chart. Example : Reinforced: 0/0.05 -> We currently aren't buying any reinforced parts.
No! If you pay for a hat that you're buying with a hat that is in the same category on the main Hats page, you can 1:1 trade them. This means that if you're going to sell a hat and also want one the bots have, you can save yourself a bit of metal by swapping them!

You can create a poll by going to /polls/create.


This happens when all of the bots from the banking which you are attempting to use are full, as we do not load the inventories of full bots in the general view. You will have to wait until they have more space in their inventory.

High value (select Stranges obtained from salvaged crates) and australium Stranges can be traded through our item banking.

Make sure that every setting in your privacy settings is set to public, that you are really in such group(s), and that you have tried logging off and logging in from our site.

If that is still happening, then it's because you do not have enough metal and you aren't checking the trade carefully enough or it's because of the previous bug which still should be fixed at this moment.

If you believe that it's the bug, then you should post about it in our forums.

Yes, you can. You only have to go to the game banking suggestions thread and suggest it in there. If our game price manager (ZakMcRofl) feels like it would be worth it to have this game in our banking, he will add it.

You were late to join the event, so you can't join it now. If you got kicked from it, that was because you did not meet/follow the requirements. Those were

  • You needed to trade at least once in the past 3 months.
  • You did not have the Steam Guard Mobile Auth enabled, making you experience trade holds.

Sometimes these acquisitions experience some issues, mostly when it comes to Paypal. You can check/see if the purchase really went through by looking on the right side of your profile. There's a heart with a number indicating how much you have paid so far as you can see in the image below:

If the payment did not work, then you will have to submit a refund request in the refunds subforum. Click here in order to submit one.

Yes, there is. We currently have a stock limit of 1 per hat-effect.

This is because: 

  • we either do not have any foil cards of that game in stock; or
  • that item is currently understocked; or
  • there are not many foil cards from that game on the Steam Community Market.
That can mean that the hat which you are looking for isn't being sold anymore for one of these reasons :
  • The price of the hat is higher than it used to be, making it be out of the accepted price range. You can verify so by checking the prices in or checking the price that the quick search gives you.
  • The expensive hat range has changed.
  • Staff has decided so.
Or it can also be that someone else bought it before you.

We use a number of factors to determine pricing for our items. If an item doesn't meet these requirements your skin will not be accepted.

We do not publicly disclose these factors.

The card which you are trying to sell probably doesn't have a price set or is overstocked. That happens because there aren't enough units being sold in the Steam Community Market, meaning that we cannot set a price to it because we can't calculate the average price of said card.

Yes and no. Our bots will offer you a higher price for said strange item if it has any strange parts attached to it, but the price difference will not be much. On the other hand, we do not offer any extras when said item has been killstreakified.

Remember that we will not accept your refund request if you are unhappy with the price that the bot offered and that you ACCEPTED.

You earn/obtain 2 new quests per day, so you only have to wait until the next day.

Yes, you can. You can increase your raffle items limit by purchasing premium.

The limits are :

  • 50 for Normal users.
  • 200 for Premium users.
  • 250 for Premium Plus users.
  • 300 for Super Premium users.

You will have to wait then. Geel makes and assigns the raffle manually, so we have to wait for him.

You can see them by going to /polls/history or by going to Create Raffle -> View my Polls..

Yes, you can!

You only need to go to the Secret Santa event page, click on the View Current Gift button and click on the Clear Gift button. You will be able to see your items again in your site inventory, allowing you to withdraw and deposit more items and select them as a gift!

That is not a bug or issue, you most likely forgot to submit your gift. Remember that after depositing the items you had to select them as your gift and submit it through the Secret Santa event page.

You can create your own page for accepting tips in /twitch/tips. Remember to link your twitch account with our site by going here first!

That's most likely because the bot's CSGO inventory is full, as said inventory can only have 1,000 items at once. You can verify so by checking the bot's CSGO inventory in Steam.

Trading Limits

There is a limit on how many items can be traded to the bots per trade. You can raise your limit by donating to the site or subscribing to priority. For every $1 you donate to Scrap.TF, you raise your limit by 2 in all categories.