
Join your fellow scrappers in a giant megaraffle that anyone can contribute to!

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Event Log

PBentry Suster has contributed 1 item worth 0 keys!
PBentry Suster has contributed 1 item worth 0 keys!
PBentry Suster has contributed 1 item worth 0 keys!
PBentry Suster has contributed 1 item worth 0 keys!
PBentry Suster has contributed 1 item worth 0 keys!
PBentry Suster has contributed 1 item worth 0 keys!
PBentry Suster has contributed 1 item worth 0 keys!
PBentry Suster has contributed 1 item worth 0 keys!
TTV/ArensLive has contributed 1 item worth 0 keys!
0scarPain has contributed 1 item worth 0 keys!
PNeon has contributed 6 items worth 13.55 refined!
PGrumpy Morning Blues has contributed 1 item worth 7.66 refined!
the old master painter has contributed 1 item worth 22.22 refined!
A new megaraffle has begun! View Winners

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18 Total Items


Megaraffle! This daily event is a collaborative raffle that anyone can contribute to!

How do I contribute?

To contribute, simply deposit items into your site inventory. Once that's done, click 'Contribute Items' at the top of this page, and select your contributions.

Who can enter?

Anyone who has completed at least one trade with ScrapTF in the past 3 months (excluding withdrawing raffle winnings) may enter the Megaraffle. Contributing items is not a requirement for entry.

Who wins?

Every item goes to a different winner. Winners are randomly selected, and your individual chance to win is the same as every other user's.