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How do I earn badges?

Badges are given out by participating in events or by doing other things related to the site. Most badges were only given out for certain events and can no longer be obtained.

The only badges that can currently be obtained are the following:

  • Member for x years: This badge is given to everyone based on the number of years they've been a member of the site.
  • Raffle Veteran: This badge is automatically awarded to users who have been raffling for at least 2 years (the difference between your first and most recent raffle being over 2 years), and who have made over 50 raffles.
  • Pony+: This badge is given out only by staff members that select you for it. It is mostly given to very active community members with pony avatars.
  • Beta Tester: This badge is given out to users that help us test new features. We very rarely add new users to the beta testing team.
  • Supporter: This badge is for our volunteer support staff. If you'd like to apply click here.