Improvements to Badge Builder

Avatar CGeel

We've released an update to Badge Builder, which is effective immediately. These improvements make it better than ever, and are outlined below. Enjoy!

What is Badge Builder?

Badge Builder is an automatic Steam trading card service. If you're interested in crafting badges to increase your Steam level and gain rewards, Badge Builder can help immensely! Simply visit Badge Builder, and you'll be shown all the badges you can build. Select the badges you like, and we'll trade you the requested number of sets of those cards. After that, just craft away!


When we launched Badge Builder, we made a few assumptions that didn't turn out to be advantageous. Initially, we assumed that users would only want to purchase badges for games they owned in their Steam library. As it turns out, this is completely wrong. Our decision was predicated on the idea that badges couldn't be crafted for games you didn't own, but that simply isn't the case. So we've altered Badge Builder to show badges for all games that we can build a badge for. We'll now show you up to 300 badges to build at once.


One of the fundamental aspects of Badge Builder is that it, well, builds badges for you. Unfortunately, in some instances, Badge Builder would offer badges that could not be built. This issue stemmed from the fact that we were offering trading cards that we couldn't sell, due to a lack of data to confidently price the cards at that point in time. This would result in bots offering incomplete sets of cards, which are useless for building badges. It's important to note that we did not charge users for cards they did not receive.

In addition, we've fixed a rare issue causing Badge Builder to think some badges had fewer cards than they really did.


Badge Builder is a complex feature -- one of the most complicated ones we offer. There are a number of operations that need to happen in serial -- such as loading your Steam inventory, finding your badges, identifying which ones we can complete, and more. Executing all of this within a timely manner is difficult: there are over 100,000 items in our trading card inventory, which is a lot! 

We've made a number of improvements that should drastically improve Badge Builder's performance. Before this update, it could take up to 30 seconds to fully load Badge Builder; we've reduced that by, on average, 95%. That's an improvement!

Patch Notes

  • Badge Builder will now display 300 badges to complete, as opposed to only showing badges for games you own.
  • Vastly improved the speed of loading Badge Builder.
  • Fixed issues preventing Badge Builder from properly supplying cards for badges it display.
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