Introducing the ScrapTF Blog

Avatar CGeel

If you're reading this, congratulations! You found our new blog. We'll be using this space to share announcements, development logs, new features, and more.

Why a blog?

Since ScrapTF began, we've been using our Steam group and our announcement system (which you can see at the top of the page) as our primary forms of communication. However, these really aren't very adequate tools for communicating with our users. If we reveal a new feature, we may send out a Steam notification and post an announcement.

However, if you're not online to see the Steam group notification, or don't visit ScrapTF while an announcement is posted, you'll likely never see that piece of news. It's also very difficult to go back in time and find an old announcement if you want to find some information you may have missed.

Finally, our announcement system doesn't allow for longer explanations of new features. The longer we make an announcement, the more space it takes up on the top of the page. Many of our users aren't aware of (or do not want to use) the ability to hide an announcement, so a long announcement really just serves to annoy, as opposed to inform. We also can't post videos, images, or any other rich content in an announcement.

All of these problems are solved by having a dedicated blog: an area where we can share news, that sticks around permanently, with rich content and detailed explanations.

What kind of content will be posted to the blog?

We'll use this blog to post the following kinds of content:

  • New release announcements, such as new banking types
  • Site updates (such as improvements to auctions)
  • Community events, such as sponsored tournaments or quest-based events
  • Development blogs on upcoming features
  • Anything else we feel would make a good blog post

What about the top-of-the-page announcements?

The announcement system will continue to be used, but its purpose will change to providing information that's only relevant for a temporary period of time. For instance, information regarding a temporary Steam or ScrapTF outage, impending maintenance, etc. In general, if we're announcing something that may be relevant for some time (or permanently), we'll be using the blog.

That's pretty much it! We hope this new blog improves the user experience on ScrapTF. You'll be able to stay up-to-date with new information and releases in a way you simply couldn't before, and we're very excited for that.


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