Current Bid:
9 refined
Currency & stable items accepted
No Bids, minimum:
13 keys

[Value of Teamwork] Strange Blood Banker w/ great strange parts

Feeling generous, anything goes!

A great Spy suit to make him look much more fashionable and scarier for the other players.

Some values of the stuff in general;

Strange Blood Banker -> 18.22 refined

Value of Teamwork -> 1.05 -> 1.2 keys

Strange Part: Cosmetic Kills -> 4.75 -> 5.25 keys.

Strange Part: Assists -> 26 -> 27 refined.
Currency & stable items
Time Left:
Instant-Buy Price:
0 keys
Sniping Prevention:
Current Bid:
54.33 refined
This auction has ended.


Current Top Bid