Currency & stable items accepted
No Bids, minimum:
40 keys
No Bids, minimum:
25 keys

Freelance Freedom

I love tradeups! But do you know what I love MORE? The rewards they reap! Today, I wanna share some of these special items with you, dear reader! Enter in this for a chance to win some decently rare items! If you've got some keys to throw my way, please, don't feel obligated to do so. But just know, you're missing a great deal!

(Disclaimer! Items may not be considered "rare" in most cases! Bloodmoon Enterprises does not give refunds once products have been removed from packaging!)
Currency & stable items
Time Left:
Instant-Buy Price:
12 keys, 20 refined
Sniping Prevention:
Minimum Bid:
10 keys
This auction has ended.
