Only currency accepted
No Bids, minimum:
1 key, 30 refined
Only currency accepted
No Bids, minimum:
2 keys, 50 refined

Strange High Roller's Rocket Launcher (Filed-Tested) | Get it before its gone!

I am getting bored of this Rocket launcher,even more for selling it.
It's a really rare Rocket launcher because of its grade,Freelance.That grade is the rarest to get a strange out of,you can't even unbox one,only trade-up for it.
This is the last time of me selling it here and anywhere else.
I don't know what I would do with it,because I am sick of it and I am quitting tf2 for probably csgo.
So get it now,or It'll be in my inventory for a very long time.Maybe I'll delete it,quick-quicksell it or just raffle it.I don't know,and the answer is depending on this auction,so get on,and buy it!
Good luck,and have fun with it,I sure did.
Currency & stable items
Time Left:
Instant-Buy Price:
7 keys
Sniping Prevention:
Minimum Bid:
6 keys
This auction has ended.
